Long time no post! Been super busy recently, had a brilliant time promoting Detective Grimoire with Adam Vian at the MCM Expo this year. We managed to nab a table too, sharing our work alongside an amazing array of talented artists. Thankfully people liked what we did enough to even buy some stuff! It's always really exciting to actually have our work printed, since most of the time it's viewed on a screen.
It was a good opportunity to get an idea on what people's first impressions we're in terms of the game's art style and it turns out it was very positive. People really enjoyed the Art of Detective Grimoire. We had so much concept art for the game lying around in folders collecting dust, that we thought it would be perfect to compile a chunk of it into a little book.
We had a couple of mascot plushies adorning out table too: made lovingly by Leanne Austin, we generously priced them at £8000 each. Shame we didn't end up selling any, I guess we'll just have to keep them all to ourselves.
Thank you for everyone who came and spoke to us and a massive thanks to Emmie Bednall who saved our bacon the whole weekend by lending a much needed hand. Hopefully all this stuff should be for sale online at some point very soon incase anyone couldn't make it to the Expo. (we'll be reducing the plushies to £7999.99)