For anyone who has been following me on twitter, you probably heard that the adventure point and click game I've been working on, Detective Grimoire, has launched a Kickstarter.
We've just reached 1000 wonderful backers and in celebration I thought I would post a mini making-of focusing on the first background painting I produced for the game.
For anyone interested, we've also released a demo for the game - Play it here
In the beginning, Adam Vian had already roughed out the environments before I even started working on them. He knew what he wanted in there (aided by casual google imagery research) and a vague idea of a layout.
Mainly concentrating on composition early on and in this case: making sure that entrance to Boggy's Bog looked inviting, but still capturing a foreboding atmosphere. I wanted to make sure that each background looked dynamic and interesting as possible.
You can find a lot more of this earlier work in the 'Art of Detective Grimoire' booklets: one of the many rewards you can find on the Kickstarter.